The Custom Printed Banner is a great option for the 3x3m Oztrail Deluxe Gazebo. It works with the Oztrail 3x3m Banner Kit, and is a replacement item for the material included in the Oztrail kit. We supply a fully printed item you just install on the banner kit frame – its as simple as that. Prices start from $99 delivered to your door.

The Oztrail Custom Printed Roof Starter Pack is the great starting point for the market stall merchant who wants to step up to a printed roof as a replacement for the regular Oztrail Canopy. The Gazebo Printing Custom Printed Starter pack is made from thicker material than a standard roof. Its 500D and the front 2 panels are printed, with the remaining 6 panels a standard colour fabric. Its fits the Oztrail deluxe frame very well and will be a nice taunt fit. Pricing starts from $249 delivered to your door.
Oztrail Full Roof Custom Print
The Oztrail Full Roof Custom Print is for the seasoned and successful market stall merchant who wants to step up to a fully printed roof as a replacement for the regular Oztrail roof. The Gazebo Printing Oztrail Full Roof Custom Print is made from thicker material than a standard roof. Its 500D and the 8 panels are printed with your logo and design, and you can choose from unlimited colours and even put photo’s on the roof. Its fits the Oztrail deluxe frame very well and will be a nice taunt fit. Pricing starts from $349 delivered to your door.
